We woke up today as usual...everyone hurrying to get ready for school. Except for Cameron who gets to take his time. Nick woke up and came downstairs. He finished eating and as he was walking around I heard him breath really hard and then cry over and over again. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I asked "did you swallow something".....no "Did you bite your tongue".....no well what is wrong I asked. He started to cry again and said I am trying to breath hot breath so there will be fire and it's not working. I couldn't help but laugh. Where do my kids come up with these things?????
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
That is hilarious!
Thanks for a good laugh. That's awesome!!!! :-D
Love that story! It's a classic!
Too funny. He must have been trying to be a dragon. He is so cute.
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