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Today Cameron was telling me about what he thought of college when he was younger. I just had to laugh. It was funny to see how kids see the world. He told me that he thought college was for parents to learn how to treat kids. He thought that there were kids in the classes for parents to borrow and practice with so that when they had there own kids they would know how to do it right. I actually wish they had that kind of a class. Wouldn't it be great to practice first. Kids are just a breath of Fresh Air aren't they. Life is so simple. I love seeing how they view the world.
Today Cameron was telling me about what he thought of college when he was younger. I just had to laugh. It was funny to see how kids see the world. He told me that he thought college was for parents to learn how to treat kids. He thought that there were kids in the classes for parents to borrow and practice with so that when they had there own kids they would know how to do it right. I actually wish they had that kind of a class. Wouldn't it be great to practice first. Kids are just a breath of Fresh Air aren't they. Life is so simple. I love seeing how they view the world.
Sooo true. That is too funny though. Imagine going to school to "check out a kid for the day". :)
That is so funny! Yeah, that would be a great thing! In high school I had a child care class that had a project where you'd get a fake baby. I'd cry (really loud) and you'd have to figure out what was wrong. There were these keys that were labled "diaper," "bottle,"
"sleep," etc. Well, it was a great chance to get kids. We'd take them to class and home over the weekend. I did ok, my sister helped me. But then on the last day a friend at school asked if she could "babysit" during one of my classes. She was a good friend so I said sure! She took the baby, then let some kid I didn't know hold it (Keep in mind, my next class I'd have turned the baby back in). This kid took my "baby" and drop kicked it! So, it taught me many things. One, don't just trust anyone with your kids. Now, I'm kinda paranoid when it comes to who watches my kids! So it was a great lesson.
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