Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Fun!!!


Latisha said...

Great job Mary! It's amazing how much your children look like you. I can totally tell whose kids are whose just by knowing the parents! Looks like a great time! Incidentally, why is Brad wearing dress up clothes on a campout?

Heather said...

I was going to ask the same thing... I wouldn't trust slacks and a white shirt anywhere near a campground. ;)

Mary Bennett said...

We had to get that picture!! I had to pick Brad up from a funeral on the way to the campsight. He couldn't change until we got the tent up for obvious reasons. We had to take them to the cleaners the next week. =(

Heidi Johansen: Jolly Blogger said...

We had sooo much fun camping and laughing with you! :) Time to plan our next outing!---GOod times H&A &crew