Thursday, March 12, 2009

Operation Move Out

Operation "Move Out"

Since Cameron was 3 years old he has been ready to move out of the house "literally". He even has a notebook called operation prepare that has his lists of things he needs to be able to move out. crazy right!!!! So we finally sat down and talked about all the things you need to know to be able to make it on your own. That way, when he can legally move out he will be ready. First off, who has this discussion with a 10 year old? Anybody? So the first thing he did was make a list of all the things that he wanted to learn how to cook and that is what we are working on right now. Waffles was the first one. So here is Cameron taking his first step toward independence by learning to make waffles.


Latisha said...

Way to think ahead! My 10 year old Dustin has done something similar - he made a budget for himself for when he's in college :-).

Heather said...

Wow! Well, at least he's learning good survival skills, right? ;)