Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cleaning up

Cleaning Up the Tree's

Brad took most of the day of work yesterday to WORK. How fun is that. We had to get our trees cut down. One was across the driveway and road and the other was partly leaning on the house. Thankfully no damage. I was just so glad that this happened while he was in town. I would have been up a creek trying to figure this all out on my own.

After a whole day of work, this is what we ended up with. We had a pile of branches that covers half of our front lawn. Now we have to wait for the city to make it through the snow (which we still have) to come around and pick up all the wood. Hopefully it doesn't ruin our lawn!! These are some pictures of the kids having fun.


Dustin and Kellie said...

Goodness, it must be tree cutting season! Dustin just cut one in our back yard down. And two of our neighbors are getting rid of a huge trees too! Wow! Oh and by the way, you house is GORGEOUS! Very pretty!

Heather said...

So sad to see them go. Sorry for you guys that Brad still had to "work". I guess at least it was with the fam. :)