I can't believe that Josh is already 1 month old. WOW does time fly!!! He is the center of attention still and the kids absolutely love helping take care of him. How much longer will that last I wonder????

Nick is still fascinated by what Josh "can't" do yet. I think it makes him feel like a big boy to be able to do so many things that our little baby can't. It's so cute to watch him talk to him and his favorite thing to do is give Josh kisses.

Alyssa still can't wait to get home so she can hold him and feed him and carry him around. I think that is the best part for her. She is "old" enough to carry him around like the grown-ups. Very fun. She loves to babysit him at night while I put the boys to bed. She sings to him, bounces him, and talks to him. He just sits there right now but I bet as he gets older, Alyssa will be a best friend.

Cameron has his fleeting moments of adoring Josh and then off to play again. He likes to feed him for a moment, or talk to him but he really doesn't like Josh crying. When he starts that, something must be done immediately or his ears feel like they will burst. He loves little babies though (who doesn't) and he is really excited that we have our very own little guy all the time. He hasn't quit figured out how to play with him yet but like to watch him. As for the parents in this house, where did our sleeptime go????? Gone for another time I suppose. As Cameron would say, "Josh is nocturnal" he does his sleeping in the daytime. If he wasn't so cute we might have to trade him in......Naaahhh! We'd keep him anyway. He is too sweet and cuddly to even think about that!!!!
1 comment:
Such a blessing to have this little bundle of joy. They bring such a sweet spirit with them. Sleep? Who needs sleep anyway. There is always a nap tomorrow? or maybe the day after. Orrr.....
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