Favorite Book of Mormon Story
Helaman and the 2000 young Warriors
I was reading about some of the stories in the book of mormon and wanted to share my favorite story. To me it shows the importance of mothers teaching their children to be righteous and also about faith in the Lord. During this time, the people of Ammon had commited many crimes against God. When they learned of their error, they covenanted to never kill again, even in war and they buried all of their weapons. There were many years where the Nephite Army helped them keep their covenant by protecting them from the opposing Lamanites. However, the Lamanites caused much hardship on the Nephites and the people of Ammon began to feel that their hardships were too much for someone else to bare. They wanted to fight but couldn't break their promise to the Lord. Their sons however had not covenanted. Two Thousand of these young men gathered together under the leadership of Helaman and promised to defend their liberty from the Lamanites. The scripture calls them "men of truth" and that their mothers had taught them that if they trusted God he would protect them and they believed that. Helaman led the young boys into a fierce battle. They won the battle but it was feared that their casualties would be high. As Helaman went to find the fates of the young boys, he found that not a one of them had been killed. God had protected them. "The young men had fought with the strength of God, and he had protected them". We may not be fighting a battle in the same manner as these young warriors, but we fight battles of good against evil every day. I hope that I can teach my kids to have the same faith as these young boys whose mothers taught them.... To be children of truth.
OK, so one novel later I decided to comment on your post on my blog. Thank you for the story and your thoughts. I appreciate your testimony. We love you!
That's my favorite scripture story too.
Thanks for sharing.
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